We got to our seat and the kids dove right into the fun breakfast foods. Well, let me rephrase that... Jordan said they were yummy but tasted them with caution. I think she was concerned about getting too much of the powdered sugar on her clothes - not the case with JP. He took right to them!!!
After that we let the kids play in the park area of the French Quarter. They LOVED playing in the trees and even found a few flowers to bring to us. I can totally see us spending weekend mornings here often. They are so easily amused!
Of course we couldn't leave this are without getting their picture taken with General Andrew Jackson! Jordan LOVED this statue! JP just wanted to climb or scale it and did his best to do so!
After this we went across the street to see the Mississippi. They had to do some climbing to get there... and the entire time I'm thinking - "this is good for them and good for us - surely this will allow them both to take a nice long nap when we get home!"
Once we got to the top they wanted to go down the few little steps to actually put their feet in the water. John of course keeping a tight grip on JP - otherwise I think he would have jumped right in for a "swim" - smart Daddy!
We enjoyed the many of street entertainers along the walk. We also saw several people getting married in this same area! Way too cool!
The kids certainly had a blast! We ended a day with each of the kids getting a book about the French Quarter. I think this picture shows everyone just how much fun they had... JP was indeed ready for a nap upon arriving home!
wow, so cute. we loved them and the pictures too. i know they are having a great time. you are blessed that they are fun loving adaptable kids. some are not. thanks for the grandmother pics from grandmotherpic.. love ya'll