Tuesday, April 27, 2010

JP's adventures

Last week I wrote about Jordan's School Fair - this week - it's all about JP. I think daily I'm amazed at how fast he's growing up. The things that he says lately are really both smart and funny! He definitely keeps me on my toes - every day!

Friday is John's "day off" from the office. We typically all take Jordan to school and then the three of us go out for breakfast. It's a nice time to give JP some personal attention - similar to what Jordan got before JP arrived on the scene. This past Friday JP wanted to get some boy glasses! He's been finding and wearing Jordan's Ariel & Hello Kitty glasses and I think he finally got fed up! He announced to us that he wanted some "boy" glasses! So as we were shopping for these manly glasses he found this orange hat. He put it on all by himself and announced that it fit perfectly and that he wanted to wear it home. I had to admit, I loved it on him! So I sent him, with the hat on, to find his Daddy (who was already at the counter buying the glasses!) John thought it was too perfect and he added it to the purchase!

After shopping for JP and some other weekend essentials - we found ourselves in a HUGE rainstorm! So we all went to Sonic for some slushes and corn dogs - to wait out the rain!

Later than same weekend - JP surprised us all with his bike riding skills! I think his training wheels are going to be short-lived!

It is never a dull moment around the Franklin house! I love it!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The School Fair

Well... I was trying to decide what to post today about my wonderful family and as I sat at my computer - rather just staring at it - waiting for inspiration.... I landed on the title of my blog and realized that I started this blog to let family & friends know (okay, let's be honest - the grandparents) back in Texas - what life is like in The Big Easy - New Orleans.

Then it hit me! I haven't wrote about last weekend! Last weekend was Jordan's School Fair. Here in New Orleans, almost all of the private school have a School Fair. It's a fundraising opportunity for them. On any given weekend - around this time of year - you can drive down almost any road and see huge signs advertising their school's fair! They are much like a Texas Carnival!

Jordan looked forward to it for weeks & weeks. And then it happened... they began to bring in all the carnival rides to the school parking lot. Jordan was beside herself! Every day she would describe a new ride and share how should couldn't wait to ride it. There was the dragon roller coaster, the biggest & tallest slide she had ever seen and so many others. Daily she would give us a countdown as to the opening day of the Fair!

She did have a blast with her friends. We also got to hear her sing on the big stage along with the other K-2nd graders. What a way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Here's a video of her performance on stage!

The Dragon Roller Coaster...

Her singing on stage....

Hanging out with her friend...

The airplane ride....

Her favorite... the fish tank!

More fun friends!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Treasures from my foyer floor!

This morning Jordan has the day off from school. After breakfast I walked into the living room and saw this all over the foyer floor. It really made me smile! Mainly because I know Mrs. Peggy gave all this wonderful scrapbooking stuff to her - but also because the first thing she wanted to make with all her new found treasures was a Mother's Day card! Thank you sweet Peggy for teaching my children new arts & crafts skills! You're the best!

I can't wait to see what wonderful creations will come from my foyer floor!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crescent City Classic - Revisited!

Easter is always a busy time of year for our family. We don't have the luxury of traveling to see our family like most do - but it is always a special time for the 4 of us. We try to always do something that will truly make memories for our children. While here in New Orleans one of those things is the Crescent City Classic 5K Race. It happens on the Saturday morning before Easter every year. And our church has always had a water station @ the 1/2 way marker. Our very 1st weekend of living in New Orleans we participated and had a blast! This year was no different... well... except that our kids were a little older and could play in the water more!

Beginning of the race

JP helping setup the water station

JP loved watching the runners!

Jordan was my bestest helper!

Soon the fascination was with the HUGE HUGE water bin!

Jordan found us some more cups at a much needed time!

After the race... hanging out at the Degas House.

After the race - all wet!

The last "team" the run the race... brings a whole new meaning to "bringing up the rear".