But God stepped in and redeemed my day and my spirit. I had the wonderful pleasure of getting to visit with another new friend today! She has a little girl - Natalie - she is the same age as JP. All three kids played great together, while Michelle and I had a great time getting to know one another better. Then after JP's nap (Thank you Lord!) we picked up a little swimming pool for the kids and they had an afternoon of great summer fun!
Then... I got to cook a healthy dinner for my family - which I just LOVE to do!!! While cooking the kids played peacefully and without arguing in the backyard! Does this sort of thing really get to happen? I just love days like this!
Here are some pictures to enjoy... the kids playing in the water!
Hey Penny! I just happened upon your blog after checking out Journey (then John, and now you). You don't know me from Adam, but I was there when Journey started and there will always be a special place in my heart for the church. I hope you're enjoying your time there. I would love to hear how you guys ended up at Journey if you get some time and want to tell your story. My email is freed2live@gmail.com. I hope all is well down south!