Our church youth group went to camp with StudentLife in Orange Beach, Al. John went to visit them on Monday night and he let us come with him! We had a blast! Jordan has been so excited to see the beach again ever since we left Houston. If she loved Galveston you know that she was thrilled with Orange Beach!!! They loved staying in the hotel and playing in the sand and yes - even loved the hotel pool. Thank you John for letting us have a little family getaway! While you were doing the Youth thing we had a blast!
This has been a great week! Everything from fun new adventures outside the house to just cute things around the house. You can definitely say that our children are following their Daddy's footsteps musically - they both LOVE to play his guitar. JP though is the spitting image of John when he plays any guitar. Oh... and he calls it "tar" - it is soooo cute! I really think they could make a great new duo!!
One afternoon we made a fun craft for John. JP & Jordan painted heart shaped frames for Father's Day. They both really got into and and had a blast. Jordan commented that it sure is fun being creative! I'm really going to take a cue from this statement and we're going to start having craft time every day. I was most surprised at how well JP did with the paints. Yes, he mixed them - but he only painted the frame! All floors, tables, and furniture were left as they were before we started!!!
We finally went on a family adventure to the Lakeside Mall. We took a trip to Orange Beach Alabama to visit the Youth at Camp. So while we were in the Disney Store we found all kinds of great deals on swim stuff for the kids. Here is Jordan showing off her new duds! We'll post pictures of the actual trip later...
Again - we're loving being in New Orleans and all it has to offer. Plus, I think our kids have really adapted to their new home.
I still can't believe my little girl is 5 years old!!! To Jordan's dismay the 10 day birthday celebration has finally come to a close. Her birthday was May 20th, and she's been receiving presents either from family members coming to visit or sending them in the mail and the grand finale was the family & friend party this past Saturday. And boy did she clean up! She wanted it to be a Littlest Pet Shop (LPS) party, but when we got to Party City no LPS's were to be found. So sweet little Jordan didn't miss a beat! She happily changed her mind to Barbie! In addition to all the regular party accessories, we found a great New Orleans bakery to make the best Barbie cake ever! Check it out!
She had loads of fun splashing around in the backyard. Thanks to all our friends who did both Littlest Pet Shop and Barbie. You made one 5 year old super happy!
Also to end out the month of May we took the kids, along with their new friends - Hannah and Rebeccah, to the New Orleans Aquarium. They had a blast! Jordan even was brave enough to pet a shark! JP on the other hand was fine just to meet new friends in the play area.
We are really enjoying all the fun sights of our new home. I think next on our agenda is the Children's Museum!
Every morning the kids struggle to let John out the door. At first they kiss him good-bye, but when it comes to him actually walking out the door they want to do everything they can to convince him he should really take the day off and play with them. This morning, Jordan tried the ever popular, "PLEEEAAAASSSSE"! It got her an extra hug and kiss. But then JP pulled out the clincher - he put John's cowboy hat and said, "Da-ey's hat! Da-ey's hat!" Then I got the camera and he said "Cheeeessse!" Too cute. It did buy the kids a few more precious minutes with their hero.
I am married to my very best friend! We never miss "Friday Night Date Night" even after 7 years of marriage! We have 2 adorable children that keep me on my toes. I love serving alongside my Pastor/husband as the Women's Minister. This blog is all about real every day life - all the while serving the Lord!